Uncategorized 10 March 2025

Embrace Native Lawns and Gardens

Embrace Native Lawns and Gardens

Does the upkeep of a traditional green lawn stress you out? Would you like to help the pollinators in your neighbourhood? Consider turning your manicured lawn into a more natural one that embraces the natural biodiversity of your region!

They’re great for pollinators
The best part of using native plants in your lawn is the benefit they provide to pollinators such as bees. They’re a crucial part of the ecosystem and communities around the world are doing their part to help them survive in harsh conditions.

  • They’re a beautiful addition to your property

Perfectly-cut green lawns can look very uninteresting – so why not embrace the beauty of your region’s natural wildlife? You’ll be able to enjoy diverse wildflowers, plant life and with a little bit of work, can create a garden that’s visually stunning in all seasons. 

  • They require less work

It’s not just the weekly mowing that you can say goodbye to! Native plants use less fertilizer as they’re innately suited for the soil in your garden, and they’re made for the climate. Native grasses are better resistant to drought and disease, and all this adds up to less money spent on upkeep.

  • They’re better for the environment

Native gardens are far more efficient at using water than non-native plants, and this conservation can be very necessary during dry summers. No more gas-powered mowers mean fewer carbon emissions, and having to do away with pesticides and fertilizers will benefit not only the environment, but any pets or wildlife that may be near your property. 

  • You have some options on what kind of garden you want to create

Just because you’re letting nature run its course doesn’t mean you don’t get to curate a beautiful garden to be proud of! Do your research on what kind of garden you’d like to have – certain native plants can create a sustainable habitat for butterflies. You might focus on plants that provide habitat for wildlife. Or you could choose plants that focus on conserving water, giving you less work in the long run.